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The young man dared not resent it, much as his clenched fists ached to meet the manly brow of Isador, for the latter had spoken the brutal truth about the money advanced.

"Shall I write you a letter of introduction?" he asked, mildly.

For answer the magnate commanded him to go to a district hotter than London is, even in the summer, hailed a hansom, stepped inside, and drove off with no word of farewell. The Honourable John stood there for a moment, shrugged his shoulders, lit a cigarette, and walked along to the Corinthian Club, which was a much more comfortable establishment than the Scientific Society's Club. He hoped to meet Lord Stranleigh there, and in that case might reluctantly touch him for a loan. He knew he would get the money, but did not like Stranleigh's way of laughing as he handed it over. Strangely enough, he was sensitive to Stranleigh's gentle laugh, while the cursing of the City magnate left him unscathed. He did not find Stranleigh at the Corinthian, but encountered some liquid refreshment that made the outlook more rosy than it had appeared in the earlier part of the evening. Isador would be better-humoured in the morning. After all, he was too shrewd a business man to continue long in ill-humour merely because an obstacle blocked his path. Isaacstein was certain to think of some ingenious plan during the night, and next day the Honourable John would be sure to hear