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"So I've heard you say before, and you ought to know. Still, if you're satisfied with your new man, I've nothing to say."

"Oh, I'm satisfied all right enough."

"I understood from your talk over the telephone that you had evolved a new scheme in which I could be of some assistance."

"Oh, you want the cash, don't you?"

"Frankly, I do. I suppose to a man like you, who works purely for love, that seems odd."

Isaacstein laughed uproariously, and brought his fist down on the table.

"You're not such a bad fellow, if I did damn you up and down the other night. Well, I had a plan yesterday, but things happened this morning that make it unnecessary. Of course, when I say I've got a better man than Lord Stranleigh, I'm bluffing. His name would draw more money out of the British Public's pockets than anybody I know, short of the King. The other night I was fearfully disappointed, because you led me to believe that Mackeller could do the trick."

"So he could, but I told you I didn't know whether he would or not, and it turned out he wouldn't."

"Drink up your champagne, my boy, and don't let us talk any more about it."

"I'll drink the champagne, of course, but I want to talk about it. It isn't business to tell you that I'm up a tree, but I am. That information will