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steamers, and establish another installation in New York City, then you could test the scheme in five minutes. I'll supply all the capital necessary, as I promised."

"I'm afraid of the newspaper men in New York. They seem to ferret out everything. I should rather try it somewhere else, say on the African coast."

Lord Stranleigh jumped to his feet as excited as a boy, and snapped his fingers in the air.

"By Jove, I've got it! What you need is a sea voyage. The note I received from Jack Hazel a minute ago invites me to be his guest on a yacht from Southampton to Cadiz. We shan't start for a week or two, and you will have ample time to make what preparations you need. Where is your experimenting room?"

"I haven't any, since I left London University College. I worked there in the laboratory at night."

"Very well; I'll put a suite of rooms at your disposal in this house. Buy everything you want, and fit them up immediately. I'll have them cleared out at once, then we will establish a similar room on Jack's yacht, and if you can send messages between the yacht in southern Spanish waters and this house in central London, you may be pretty sure your invention is practicable."

"Are there going to be many people aboard the yacht?"

"No, only Jack, myself, and you, if you will come, and of course you'll need an operator, and I think