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"Good afternoon, Lord Stranleigh."

Stranleigh laughed.

"It is afternoon, isn't it, to an energetic man like you, but I have just breakfasted, so it is still morning. Mackeller, let me introduce to you Professor Bronson Marlow, late of the University of London. Peter, I am going off on a voyage; pleasure this time. I have promised the King of Spain to attend the Naval Review down at Cadiz. I expect to be away a fortnight or three weeks. Now, could you occupy this house while I'm gone?"


"Because it's ever so much more comfortable than your rooms."

"My rooms fit me very well."

"Besides, I desire you to look after my affairs, and the ends of the strings are all here. My secretary will tell you where everything is."

"Yes, in that case I'll come here if you wish."

"And I'd like to receive a telegraphic message from you every morning."

"Oh, is the yacht fitted with wireless?"

"Yes, and the operator will be residing in this house. Are you a stockholder in the Marconi company?"


"Then that's all right. This is a rival invention which owes its existence to the ingenuity of the Professor here. He is naturally very anxious that nothing should be said of it at the present time, and