Page:Base-ball ballads (IA baseballballads00rice).pdf/23

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They were seated in the parlor, and the lights were burning dim—
He was a major leaguer, she a fan, so fair and trim;
But they knew not as he opened up the game by murmuring "Love"
That father was the umpire on the stairway just above.

"I like your form," he led off first; "with me you've made a hit;
Your curves are good, you've got the speed, and you are looking fit.
Now if with you, my turtle dove, I make a hit likewise,
Won't you improve my single life and make a sacrifice?"

"I'll promise to support you, dear, with all my skill each day;
I'll draft a pretty home for you and fix it right away.
If you'll just call the game a tie, I will no longer roam;
And when I slide into the plate, please call me safe at home."

"First tell me, sir," she pitched at him, "how high you ranked last fall;
Show me your fielding average and how hard you hit the ball.