Page:Base-ball ballads (IA baseballballads00rice).pdf/47

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While waiting for their victim to be scattered, limb from limb,
And many Roman coins were bet on what they'd do to him.

But lo! the victim stood his ground, and with a lordly air
He waved each lion and tiger back and gave them glare for glare.
He listened while they growled around and howled at him a bit;
Then pointed toward the nearest gate and simply answered, "Git!"

Before that gesture and that look—that voice so cold and keen—
The growling monsters beat it very quickly from the scene;
While with a bored and blasé air, unmindful of his cup,
The victim took another "chew," and cried, "Next batter up."

Upon his perch King Nero sat, quite thunderstruck with awe.
"This is the strangest gent," said he, "that I have ever saw.
By all the gods of ancient Rome who can this duffer be?"
"I used to umpire," he replied; "this job was pie for me."