Page:Base-ball ballads (IA baseballballads00rice).pdf/49

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In the meanwhile Orth was puzzling
Every batter on our team;
So the chance to land a victory
Seemed an empty, idle dream.
Nothing doing in the seventh,
Till at last above the crowd
New York's brace of luscious tallies
Hovered like a midnight cloud.

Sitting on his bench, Clark Griffith
Softly murmured: "Twenty-three,
Skidoo, Larry, to the shadows
Of the Ancient Apple Tree."
Mr. Orth was smiling blandly,
With the finish just in sight,
Thinking as he shot one over:
"Cleveland's out of it to-night."

Two more rounds to make a rally,
Two more rounds to turn the trick!
Can you wonder for a minute
Why the cranks were feeling sick?
Not an echo from the grandstand,
There was dearth of whoops and cheers,
With the ghastly silence broken
Only by the splashing tears.

"Batter up," said Umpire Connor.
Larry strode up to the plate
With a bludgeon in his talons,
While his teeth were clenched in hate.