Page:Base-ball ballads (IA baseballballads00rice).pdf/52

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   Why don't you bunt, you crazy runt,
    When that's the play to make?"

There was a fan in our town, and he had wondrous eyes,
And when the umpire called a strike he'd howl in mad surprise;
And on some play at second base, full fifty yards away,
Behind the screen he'd rise in wrath, with sundry things to say:

   "What? That man out? Wake up, old scout!
    No wonder we lose games!
   He had that beat a dozen feet,
    You second Jesse James!"
   Of course the umpire, on the spot,
    Could not outline the play
   Like that wise guy with eagle eye,
    Two hundred feet away.

There was a fan in our town—the team won out that night—
He swore by all the ancient gods the bunch was out of sight;
Next day they lost, but what he said was private information,
Or what is technically called "unfit for publication."

   And other phrases, which, alas!
    I know, beyond a doubt,
   Would bring a moral shock if I
    Should fill the spaces out.