Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/114

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have. And when the three months are up I'm going to make my motion over again, and I'll bet we'll elect you as regular pitcher."

"I guess you forget that when the three months are up the Summer vacation will be here and the nine will be out of business," remarked Joe. "No, I've got to work my own way, I guess."

There were some murmurs of surprise when it was announced the next day that Joe Matson was to be the scrub pitcher. Friends of rival candidates urged their claims on Ward, but he stuck to his promise and the place went to Joe.

"Did Hiram or Luke say anything when you told them?" asked Tom of the scrub captain.

"Oh, yes—a little."

"What was it?"

"Nothing very pleasant, so don't repeat it to Joe, but Hiram wanted to know why I didn't pick out a decent fellow to pitch against the first team, and Luke remarked that Joe would be knocked out of the box in the first practice game, and that I'd have to get some one else."

"Oh, Luke said that, did he?" asked Tom, and there was a look of smothered anger in his eyes.

"Yes, and then some more."