Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/141

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Tom and Joe were seated in their room, talking over various matters, including the game of the day, when there came the usual signal on their door, indicating that a friend stood without.

"That's Teeter," predicted Tom.

"Peaches," was Joe's guess, but when he swung open the portal both lads stood there. On their faces were looks of supressed excitement.

"What's up?" demanded Joe.

"Lots. Special meeting of the athletic committee called. In the gym. Come on!" panted Peaches.

"We're going to protest against the way Hiram manages the team!" added Teeter.

"Come on!" urged Peaches, recovering his breath. "We want you with us. There's a lot of feeling against Hiram and Luke. They practically lost the game for us to-day. The revolt is spreading. It's a chance for you, Joe. Come on."

"There's going to be a hot time!" predicted Teeter. "We have permission to hold a meeting. All the fellows are coming. Get a move on."

Joe and Tom grabbed up their caps and hurried after their chums, Joe with a wildly-beating heart. Had his chance come?