Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/201

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ness—all in favor of a change vote 'aye'," directed the chairman.

"Aye!" came in a thunderous chorus.

"Contrary minded—"

"No!" snapped Hiram. Luke and Jake Weston followed with feeble negatives. They, too, were beginning to see which way the wind blew.

"Whom will you have for pitcher?" asked the Professor. "Can you decide now, or will you wait and—"

"Decide now!" was yelled. "Joe Matson for pitcher! Baseball Joe. Joe Matson!" was cried in different parts of the room.

"Very well," assented the chairman. "This may be a wise move. All in favor of Joe Matson as pitcher, since Frank Brown, the regular boxman, has practically resigned—all say 'aye'."

Again came the hearty assent, and again the feeble objection of Hiram.

"Joe Matson is now the regular pitcher for the school nine," said Dr. Rudden.

"And I want to say that I'm glad of the change," put in Larry Akers.

"Hurray! Hurray!" yelled the now excited and enthusiastic students. Things seemed to be coming out right after all.

"I want to say," exclaimed Joe, "that while