Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/210

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"So do I," added Luke. "It would show them what a mistake they made by dropping us."

"That's right," agreed the conceited Hiram. "If they had only waited we'd have come out all right. It was all the fault of Joe Matson and Tom Davis. I'll get square with 'em yet."

They strolled over the grounds, winding in and out amid the throngs. They almost collided with a Morningside player.

"Beg your pardon," murmured Luke. "Oh, it's Sam Morton," he added, for he had met Sam in town a week or so previously. "Have you met Hiram Shell, Sam," and he introduced the two.

"Oh, yes, you're the manager of the Excelsiors," said Sam. "Glad to know you. I think we'll beat you again. I may pitch after the fifth inning. I'm only the sub now, but I expect to be the regular soon."

"I was manager," replied Hiram bitterly, "but Joe Matson and his crowd put up a game on me, and I resigned."

"Joe Matson, eh? He's the same fellow who made a lot of trouble for me."

"Excuse me," murmured Luke. "I see a friend of mine. I'm going to leave you for a minute."