Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/233

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the doctor's study with wonder in his heart and a puzzled and rather an ominous look on his face. His companions regarded him seriously.

"What do you s'pose is in the wind?" asked Peaches.

"Give it up," remarked Teeter. "Are you on, Tom?"

"Nary a bit. First I knew of it was when you fellows came and told me."

"Was Joe out last night?" asked Peaches.

"That's so, he did go Into town," replied Tom. "He left a note to tell me—but that was all straight—he had permission. It can't be that."

"Well, we'll hear in chapel," said Teeter.

"Ah, it's you is it, Matson?" asked the doctor, as our hero entered the study. There was a curious note in the master's voice, and he glanced narrowly at Joe. "Come in. I am sorry to have to summon you on such an unpleasant and important matter, but I have no choice. As you probably know, the Founder's Statue was overturned last night."

He looked questlonlngly at Joe.

"I just saw it from my window," was the simple answer.

"It was done last night," went on the doctor with a look at a teacher who acted as proctor. "It