Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/245

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responsible for him being on probation, so he can't play to-morrow."

"Oh, you are; eh?" sneered Hiram. "Then you'd better go tell the doctor that."

"By Jove I will!" suddenly exclaimed Luke with a change of manner. "I haven't had a decent night's sleep since I did it. I am going to tell. I can't stand it any longer. I want to see Excelsior win the Blue Banner. I'm going to tell the doctor!"

"Hold on!" Hiram fairly hissed. "If you squeal I'll make it so hot for you that you'll wish you'd never seen me—and so will Sam."

"I'm not afraid! Besides I'm not going to tell on you—only on myself. I'll say I put the telegram there. The doctor can think what he likes about who pulled down the statue. He can put me on probation for I won't tell, but it doesn't matter, for I don't play ball. But that will let Joe play, and it's not too late for him to get in shape—in fact, he's at top notch, for I saw him practice to-day. I'm going to tell, and you can do as you like, Hiram."

"I say you shan't tell. I'll——"

But Luke slipped from Hiram's room, where the talk had been going on, and made his way to the doctor's office.