Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/63

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them, he told me. His business isn't all settled yet, and there is some danger. But I guess Benjamin or Holdney won't bother him, though some other rascals may."

"Anything more to eat?" asked Peaches, during the pause that followed.

"Say, what are you, a human refrigerator?" demanded Teeter. "I couldn't carry any more pie if I tried."

"It'll be our treat next time," observed Joe. "Why didn't George Bland come with you?"

"Had to bone on trigonometry, I guess," replied Peaches.

"Does he play on the team?" Joe wanted to know.

"Yes, we all do. George is short, I'm on third, and Teeter holds down first sometimes. But you never can tell what Hiram is going to do. He and Luke are always making shifts, and that's what lost us the Blue Banner last season. The fellows would no more than get familiar with their positions than Hiram would shift 'em. Oh, he runs things to suit himself."

The hour of ten boomed out from the big school clock and the visitors left.

"Spring fever!" exclaimed Joe one day, as he and Tom came from a physics lecture.