Page:Bassetts scrap book 1907 03-1909 02.djvu/109

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hour every day," says a French newspaper. Let's all get into this game. Here's our offering: To avoid corns on your feet, walk first on one ear and then on the other.

OPTIMISM. Get all the good there is today, Don't fret about tomorrow. There's trouble 'round us all the time, What need is there to borrow? The wise man gets what joy he can, And leaves the fool his folly. He knows too much to waste his life In gloom and melancholy. Look on the bright side every time. Don't waste your days repining. When any cloud looks dark and dull, Turn out the silver lining. Be wise! Be cheerful, bright and glad. Leave to the fool his folly, And let your m.otto be: "Cheer up!" Your rule of life: "Be jolly!"

When an Arabian woman does not wish her hus- band to enter her apartments she puts her slippers outside the door. This is such an ancient and in- violable law, albeit an unwritten one, that he would be a bold man who would transgress it.

It takes time to educate people into believing things. There's the sea serpent, for instance. There are lots of persons who refuse to believe that there is any such thing. Doubtless when Jonah first narrated his experiences in the whale's interior he could find very few people to take any stock in his yarn. Nowadays, you know everybody believes the story,