Page:Bassetts scrap book 1907 03-1909 02.djvu/36

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When George Bernard Shaw said: "I should like to go to America, if I could do so quietly, without convulsing the whole country, without delivering a hundred addresses to enormous crowds, without a salute of 101 guns, without the risk of being forcibly naturalized and elected president, and subsequently seized and imprisoned by Mr. Comstock," there was some truth in his jest. Americans are hysterically extreme. They either love or hate. And they are fickle. A great man who is loved in America should beware. The love of today may become the hatred of tomorrow; for not as he is but as he is imagined to be is a great man regarded. You can all think of examples of our hero worship.



April sees the old-timers reporting for renewal. They began to come early in March.


The bicycle clubs are still on the saddle.


The Newton (Mass.) Bi. Club celebrated its silver jubilee on April 13. Organized in April, 1882, it has never disbanded or reorganized and it has a banquet at each quarterly meeting. It never held a foodless meeting and there have been 187 such.


The former members of the Haverhill (Mass.) Cycle Club held a banquet at Hotel Thorndike on March 6. It was a grand reunion and a large number of old-timers was present.


The Nylaw of New York held its quarterly meeting and dinner at the Crescent Athletic Club, Brooklyn, March 16 last. Those who have held office in the N. Y. Division, L. A. W., are eligible to membership and the organization gets together a lot of congenial souls who interchange experiences and things.