Page:Bassetts scrap book 1907 03-1909 02.djvu/40

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258 BASSETT'S SCRAP BOOK Black and green tea are both the produce of the same plant, the difference being in the age of the leaves and the method of preparation for market. Bicycles begin to turn. No exercise can with it compare. Why don't you ride? The physician who advises people to eat what their appetite craves will not find it necessary to advertise for patients. Money talks; the dough will rise to explain. No matter how many flowers come later, nor how beautiful they are, it is doubtful if any give the de- light that the golden dandelions do. It's the only flower that will grow in our back yard, and we love it. The curious superstition that putting a poker across a fire will make it burn up arises through the monkish superstition that the figure of a cross will drive away evil spirits. It being supposed that it was due to evil spirits that the fire would not burn, the form of the cross was made by placing the poker across the bars. Daniel Webster once said about a certain political proposition that 'There were many new things about it, and many true things, but the trouble was that the true things were not new, and the new things were not true, a philosophy which shows that Webster's fame and reputation were not unmerited.