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Bat Wing

in London. See what that means? Her room is at the back of the house, and her evidence would have been fatal. Ah Tsong, of course, is a liar. I made up my mind about that the moment I clapped eyes on him. Mrs. Camber is the only innocent party. She was asleep in the front of the house when the shot was fired, and I believe her when she says that she cannot swear to the matter of distance.”

“A very interesting case, Inspector,” said Wessex, glancing at Harley. “I have not examined the body yet, but I understand that it was a clean wound through the head.”

“The bullet entered at the juncture of the nasal and frontal bones,” explained Harley, rapidly, “and it came out between the base of the occipital and first cervical. Without going into unpleasant surgical details, the wound was a perfectly straight one. There was no ricochet.”

“I understand that a regulation rifle was used?”

“Yes,” said Inspector Aylesbury; “we have it.”

“And at what range did you say, Inspector?”

“Roughly, a hundred yards.”

“Possibly less,” murmured Harley.

“Hundred yards or less,” said Wessex, musingly; “and the obstruction met with in the case of a man shot in that way would be——” He looked towards Paul Harley.

“Less than if the bullet had struck the skull higher up,” was the reply. “It passed clean through.”

“Therefore,” continued Wessex, “I am waiting to hear, Inspector, where you found the bullet lodged?”

“Eh?” said the Inspector, and he slowly turned his prominent eyes in Harley’s direction. “Oh, I see. That’s why you wanted to examine the Tudor garden, is it?”