Page:Batrachomyomachia, or, the wonderfull and bloudy Battell betweene Frogs and Mice.djvu/40

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The Battell betweene
[1]The time no sooner came, when ev'ry Mouce
Of any office, calling or degree,
In his owne person at the kings great House,
Before his Majestie should present be:
But all the Lords, knights, squires, & gentle Mice
Resort to Court before the sunne did rise,
The basest Mouce that had a tayle behinde,
Posted apace to know his Graces minde.

Within the Court assembled were the States,
And each one seated in his due degree,
The Commons stayed at the Palace gates,
Yet where they might the King both heare and see.
Then presently his Majestie came downe,
Clad like a mourner in a murry gowne,
And from his throne, though griefe had made him weake,
Yet angry for his sonne, thus did he speake:

[2]Stout Peeres, brave Nobles, and my Captaines tall,
And you kinde subjects to your loving King,
Though to my part these mischiefes onely fall,
Which from my drearie eyes sad teares doe bring:
Yet to you all this dammage doth belong,
"For Kings mishap to subjects is a wrong.
I like a father, you like friends complaine,
Since cursed Frogs, my sonne, your Prince have slaine.

  1. The dutifulnesse of the Mice.
  2. The Oration of the King of Mice.
