Page:Batrachomyomachia, or, the wonderfull and bloudy Battell betweene Frogs and Mice.djvu/42

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The Battell betweene
And now my third, my last beloved sonne,
But best beloved sonne of all the three,
With whom my joyes doe end, my life is done,
Most deare to his Queene-mother and to me;
In whom decayes the issue of my blood,
[1]Aye me, lyes buried in the raging flood,
Betrayd and drowned by the Frogs fell King,
To whom my sword sad elegies shall sing.

Then quickly arme your selves, to armes, he cries,
Fight for your King and Country without feare,
Pursue the Frogs your cursed enemies,
And gard your selves with helmet, shield and speare;
With courage shew your valour and your might,
The day is ours: for Iove still aydes the right:
Brave Lords, kind subjects, fight couragiously,
God and Saint [2]Gertrude grant us victory.

The King in anger here did make an end,
And presently dismissed all the crue,
Which all their studie and endevours bend,
That black revenge and battell might ensue.
The Kings sad words did stirre them up so farre,
That nought they talke of now but bloudy war.
And every Mouce from greatest to the least,
Prepares such weapons as will fit them best.

  1. Hinc illæ lachrymæ.
  2. She is holden patronesse over Mice.
