Page:Batrachomyomachia, or, the wonderfull and bloudy Battell betweene Frogs and Mice.djvu/45

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Frogs and Mice.
[1]Warres, hostile warres, accursed traytrous Frogs,
Here I denounce, and spit within your face,
Damned deceitfull wretches from your bogs
We will abolish your detested race:
Then arme your selves, for vengeance we will take
Vpon all Frogs for our brave princes sake.
If courage in your craven hearts doth dwell,
Meet us in open field: and so farewell.

When he had said these words, as in disdaine,
Scorning an answere from the Frogs to beare,
Forthwith he posted to the Mice againe,
Whose message put the Frogs in mighty feare:
"Yet feare breeds wrath, wrath kindles courage more.
That now windes rage which erst were calme before.
The King then rising from his chaire of state,
Gravely their valours thus did animate:

[2]Lords, Nobles, gallant Frogs, and all the Trayne
Which here attend to know our royall will,
Subjects, nay more then Subjects in our raigne,
For we are fellowes and compartners still:
Vexe not your mindes, "all clouds doe beare no raine,
"Nor in proud brags true valour doth remaine.
These are but words, fit bugs to scare the crowes:
"And cowards brags do seldome end with blows.

  1. Ingentes parturit ira minus.
  2. The Oration of the King of Frogs.
