Page:Batrachomyomachia, or, the wonderfull and bloudy Battell betweene Frogs and Mice.djvu/66

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The Battell betweene
Exceeding were their shoulders out of square;
So broad, so great, as irkes my muse to tell:
Their bald blue backe withouten skin or haire,
Was all o're whelmed with a costive shell,
As hard as Iron, or the flinty stones.
Their bodies wholly were compact of bones.
Before their ugly face two clawes beare sway,
With which they wont to grope & feele their way.

On eyther side of their deformed brest,
Foure crooked legs their grievous burden beare:
Two sterne grim lowring eyes by natures hest,
In middle of their belly did appeare.
Their griesly crownes seem'd cloven into three;
On two whereof like helmets you might see.
So vile a brood of fell mishapen Snakes
Ne're could be found, but in th' infernall lakes.

These monstrous ugly Crabs (for Crabs they were)
Crawling along the spacious continent,
When Iove beheld from out his Palace cleare,
Which lyes beyond the spangled firmament,
He sent the hel-bred band unto the fray,
To kill the Mice, or make them runne away.
The Crabs obeyd, "nor take they care for armes;
"Their shels wil keep them safe frō greatest harms.
