Page:Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War.djvu/79

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The Victor of Antietam.

While faithful still you labored on—
Hearing the far Manassas gun!
Only Antietam could atone.

You fought in the front (an evil day,
The fore-front of the first assay;
The Cause went sounding, groped its way;
The leadsmen quarrelled in the bay;
Quills thwarted swords; divided sway;
The rebel flushed in his lusty May:
You did your best, as in you lay,
Antietam's sun-burst sheds a ray.

Your medalled soldiers love you well,
Name your name, their true hearts swell;
With you they shook dread Stonewall's spell,[6]
With you they braved the blended yell
Of rebel and maligner fell;
With you in shame or fame they dwell,

Antietam-braves a brave can tell.