Page:Battle of Talavera, or, The soldier's threnody.pdf/5

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My comrades who fell tho' for hours they did languiſh,
Inſenſible now to the changes below.
Thrice o'er my head glanc'd the ſabre victorious!
Thrice might I finiſh'd my career ſo glorious
When cannons ſublime roar'd aloud in full chorus,
Far from the Iſland that ſits in the ſea.”

Thus the ſoldier lamented, deſpair mark'd his feature,
And hope for a moment was fled from his ſoul;
When he heard a ſoft voice, exclaim "wretched of creatures,
Here ſurely your fate from theſe monſters that prowl.
When a female he ſaw, her ſteps quickly bending
To where the new raiz'd turf the ſlain was defending,
As from her ſtaind garments the blood was deſcending,
In mad ſtrains ſhe utter'd this ſad Threnody.