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The enemy continued his march along, the road from Charleroi towards Brussels, and on the same evening, the 15th, attacked a brigade of the army of the Netherlands, under Prince de Weimar, posted at Frasue, and forced it back to the farm house on the same road, called Les Quartre Bras.

The Prince of Orange immediately reinforced this brigade with another of the tame division, under General Perponcher, and, in the morning early, re- gained part of the ground which had been lost, so as to have the command of the communication leading from Nivelles and Brussels, with Marshal Blu- cher’s position.

In the mean time I had directed the whole army to march open Les Quartre Bras, and the 5th division, under Lieutenant General Sir Thomas Picton arrived about half-past two in the day, flowed by the corps of troops under the Duke of Brunswick, and afterwards by the contingent of Nassau.

At this time the enemy commenced an attack upon Prince Blucher with his whole force excepting the 1st and 2nd corps; and a corps of cavalry under General Kellerman, with which he attacked our post at Les Quartre Bras.

The Prussian army maintained their position with their usual gallantry and perseverance, against a great disparity of numbers, as the 4th corps of their army, under General Bulow, had not joined land I was not able to assist them as I wished, and was attacked myself, and the troops, the cavalry in particular, which had a long distance to march had not arrived.

We maintained our position also, and completely defeated and repulsed all the enemy’s, attempts to get possession of it. The enemy repeatedly attacked us with a large body of infantry and cavalry, supported by a numerous and powerful artillery;