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of cavalry (brought from his right) the cavalry under the earl of Uxbridge.

This gave Lord Uxbridge an opportunity of charging them with the 1st Life Guards( upon their debouche from the village of Genappe, upon which occasion his Lordship has declared himself to be well satisfied with that regiment.

The position which I took up, in front of Waterloo, crossed the high roads from Charleroi and Nivelle, and had its right thrown back to a ravine near Merke Braine, which was occupied, and its left extended to a height above the hamlet Ter la Haye, which was likewise occupied. In front of the right centre, and near the Nivelle road, We occupied the house and garden of Hougoumont, which covered the return of that flank; and in front of the left centre, we occupied the farm of La Haye Sainte. By our left we communicated with Marshal Prince Blucher, at Wavre, through Ohaim; and the Marshal had promised me, that in cafe we should be attacked, he would support me with one or more corps, as might bs necessary.

The enemy collected his army, with the exception of the third corps, which had been sent to observe Marshal Blucher, on a range of heights in our front in the course of the night of the 17th and yesterday morning; and about ten o’clock he commenced a furious attack upon our posts at Hougoumont. I had occupied that post with a detachment from General Byng’s brigade of Guards, which was in position near its rear: and it was far some time under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Macdonald, and afterwards of Colonel Home; and I am happy to add, that it was maintained, throughout the day, with the utmost gallantry by these brave troops, notwithstanding the repealed efforss of large bodies of the enemy to obtain possession of it.