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O cam ye here the fight to shun,
Or herd the sheep wi me, man?
Or were ye at the Sherra-muir,
And did the battle see, man?
I saw the battle, sair and tough,
And reekin-red ran monie a sheugh;
My heart, for fear, gae sough for sough,
To hear the thuds, and see the cluds.
Of clans frae woods, in tartan duds,
Wha glaum'd at kingdoms three, man.

The red-coat lads, wi black cockades,
To meet them were na slaw, man;
They rush'd and push'd, and blude outgush'd,
And monie a bouk did fa, man:
The great Argyle led on his files,
I wat they glanced twenty miles:
They hack'd and hash'd, while broad-swords clash'd,
And thro' they dash'd, and hew'd, and smash'd,
Till fey men died awa, man.

But had you seen the philibegs,
And skyrin tartan trews, man,
When in the teeth they dar'd our whigs,
And covenant true blues, man,