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Tamawaca Folks

"So are the lights!" yelled Stakes; but he sat down.

"I call for the report of the committee on lights," continued the chairman, in deference to the protest.

There was an intense silence.

"The committee on lights will please report," said the chairman, looking closely at Geo. B. Still.

The little fat man slowly arose.

"Am I the committee on lights?" he enquired.

"You are, sir."

"Are you sure?"

"Perfectly sure, Mr. Still. I remember Mr. Bennett nominated you and there were several seconds."

"Oh. The minutes being lost, I supposed the seconds were lost, too."

"You were mistaken, Mr. Still."

"Well, the committee on lights, Mr. Chairman and ladies and gentlemen, finds that we are such good livers we have n't the gall to make a re-