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Tamawaca Folks

twelve a week—especially in the summer season."

"Jim," said Jarrod, thoughtfully, "this is a bit of good luck, if judged from my own selfish viewpoint. I need some one very badly, to help me clear up a lot of accumulated work. Would you mind being my clerk for a few weeks?"

Jim's face was beaming.

"Do you really mean it, Mr. Jarrod? Can I be of use to you?"

"Indeed you can, my boy. You'll have to stay at Tamawaca, but as a worker instead of a drone. Can you run a typewriter?"

"Yes; I used one at college for a couple of years, and got to be fairly expert. But I know nothing of short-hand."

"That is n't necessary. I shall require your services every forenoon, but you may have the afternoons to yourself. I'll give you twenty dollars