Page:Bear ye one another's burdens.djvu/13

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which built up their fortunes. An increased rate, or a loan upon the rates, has been suggested. The intervention of Government has been invoked. But while men are disputing about the agency which ought to remove the burden, it is lying sore upon those beneath it—it is crushing them to death! It is true that "private charity" has done something; according to the world's standard, has done much. But, after all, the present emergency has been mocked rather than met, and day by day the crowd of sufferers is increasing, and the growing severity of the season is intensifying their suffering. Surely, here is a demand for the operation of the law of Christ. Whoso seeth his brother in such need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? If Christ, by and by, will reject with indignation those who have left the least of his brethren unfed, unclad, unvisited, how will He treat those who have neglected these sufferers? For, assuredly, they are not the "least" of His