Page:Bear ye one another's burdens.djvu/16

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But, brethren, zeal and love often burn themselves out without affecting much around them, for want of direction and management.

Let me, therefore, offer you a few practical suggestions whereby you may be helped to sustain and make productive the feelings now aroused.

Regard, then, the offering which you make to-day as the pledge that you will give again and quickly, and at once set about redeeming the pledge. Resolve to waste nothing, to spend nothing on amusement, on luxuries, on what is not absolutely necessary, till the hungry are all fed, and the naked all clothed. Infuse the same spirit into your household and all that approach it. Be a mouth to plead for those who will not ask for themselves. Let no one meet you and part from you without being stirred to respond to this most imperative call. Hold out a ready and eager hand to receive what he will give, and what you receive be prompt to hand on.

When you have scraped all that you can by direct means, look about for by-ways. Part