Page:Bear ye one another's burdens.djvu/18

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And this recalls to us another truth, that if we cannot remove the burden, we may help to bear it. Let us make this our concern. After all that we can do, there will, alas! probably remain very much unrelieved. If we cannot take it off, let us bear it up. If we cannot wipe away our brother's tears, let us weep with him. If he must go forth bearing the cross even unto death, let us bear it with him, like Joseph of Arimathea, and give him the precious peace of knowing that he is not alone. At the worst this shall keep his soul alive while the body is perishing; it shall make him walk calmly in the valley of the shadow of death; it shall bear good fruit in eternity, if not in time.

One other brief suggestion on this head. Such an interest and effort as I have urged upon you must, if you are Christians, not only stretch forth your desires to your brother Christian, but raise up your hearts to God. Bear his burdens into the presence of the God that heareth prayer. Tell out his wants, breathe your aspirations for him before the throne of