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Station XIV.

Christ is laid in the Holy Sepulchre.

V. We adore Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, and bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

The Mystery.

OHIS Station represents Christ's Sepulchre, where His blessed body was laid with piety and devotion.

Consider the emotions of the Virgin — her eyes streaming with tears, her bosom heaving with sighs. What melancholy, what wistful looks she cast on that monument where the treasure of her soul, her Jesus, her all, lay entombed. Here lament your want of contrition for your sins, and humbly adore your deceased Lord, who, poor even in death, is buried in another's tomb. Blush at your dependence on the world, and the eager solicitude with which you labor to grasp its perishable advantages. Despise henceforth the world, lest you perish with it.


OHARITABLE Jesus, for my salvation Thou performedst the painful journey of the Cross. Let me press the footsteps marked by Thee, gracious Redeemer — the paths which, through the thorns of life, conduct to the heavenly Jerusalem. Would that Thou wert entombed in my heart, that being united to Thee, I might rise to a new life of grace, and persevere to the end. Grant me, in my last moments, to receive Thy precious Body, as the pledge of immortal life. Let my last words be Jesus and Mary, my last breath be united to Thy last breath on the Cross; that with a lively faith, a firm hope and ardent love, I may die with Thee and for Thee; that I may reign with Thee for ever and ever. Amen, Jesus.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory, &c.

Jesus Christ crucified, have mercy on us!

You pious Christians, raise your voices, raise,
And join with me to sing your Saviour's praise.
Who shed His blood for us and died in pain.
To save our souls from hell's eternal flame.


OOMPASSIONATE Jesus! behold with eyes of mercy this devotion I have endeavored to perform, in honor of Thy bitter passion and death, in order to obtain remission of my sins, and the pains incurred by them. Accept of it for the salvation of the living and the eternal repose of the faithful departed, particularly for those for whom I directed it. Do not, my Jesus, suffer the ineffable price of Thy blood to be fruitless, nor my miserable soul ransomed by it, to perish. The voice of Thy blood is louder for mercy than my crimes for vengeance. Have mercy then, O Lord! have mercy, and spare me for Thy mercy's sake! Amen, Jesus.