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103 or general arrangement of the inhabitants, both of heaven and of hell, and the objects and sceneiy by which they are surrounded. It treats of the human form of every angel and of the whole heaven, of the innu- merable angelic societies of which the whole heaven consists, and of the correspondence between all the things which belong to heaven and those which belong to the earth and to man ; of the sun of heaven, and of the light and heat thence proceeding ; of time and space, repre- sentatives and appearances in heaven, and of the changes of state ex- perienced by the angels ; of their garments and habitations, their language and writings, their innocence and wisdom, their govern- ment, their worship, and their state of peace ; of the origin of the an- gelic heaven, and its conjunction wkh the human race by means of the Word ; of the state of the Gentiles, and of infants and young children, of the rich and the poor, and of the wise and the simple, in heaven ; of the occupations of the angels ; of marriages in heaven ; of heavenly joy and happiness ; and of the immensity of heaven. It also treats of the World of Spirits, or first state of man after death, and the suc- cessive changes of state which he has to pass through subsequently ; of the nature of hell, and the true Scripture signification of the devil, satan, hell-fire, and the gnashing of teeth ; of the appearance, situa- tion and plurality of the hells ; and of the dreadful wickedness and direfol arts of infernal spirits. ■♦♦■ THE TRUE CHRISTIAN RELIGION: OONTAININO THB UHIVBRSAL TBSOLOGY OF THE NEW CHURCH, FORETOLD BY THE LORD IN THE APOCALYPSE, XXI. 1, 2; WITH THE CORONIS, AND A COPIOUS INDEX. One voL 8vo., pp. 982. Price $1 10. This volume contains a summary of all the principal doctrines of the New Church, signified by the New Jerusalem in the Apocalypse. It is divided into fourteen chapters, which treat of the following sub- jects in a simple and lucid style, and with convincing argument : I. — God, the Creator. II. — ^The Lord, the Redeemer. III. — ^The Holy