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will take their places among the rubbish of the past; and teaching ministers will be as unwilling to defend them, or even to name them approvingly, as they are now to defend or name the old dogma of infant damnation. This will result inevitably from the steady diffusion of the light of the New Dispensation—from that clear rational illumination of the popular mind of Christendom, which is now everywhere going on in consequence of the descent of the New Jerusalem.

We have not attempted here any refutation of the doctrine of infant damnation; nor shall we attempt any. There is no occasion for that. But, in striking contrast with the Old doctrine, as herein exhibited, we shall present the New doctrine concerning the state of infants after death, as set forth in the revelations made for the New Church. Then let the reader decide between them; let him say which is from above, and which from beneath—which is true, and which is false.