mand all such as had loyally served his father, and all Independents, and all such as had command in Duke Hamilton’s army; and these were the main things that passed this year.
The Marquis of Montrose, that in the year 1645 had with a few men, and in little time, done things almost incredible against the late King’s enemies in Scotland, landed now again, in the beginning of the year 1650, in the north of Scotland, with commission from the present King, hoping to do him as good service as he had formerly done his father. But the case was altered; for the Scotch forces were then in England in the service of the Parliament; whereas now they were in Scotland, and many more (for their intended invasion) newly raised. Besides, the soldiers which the Marquis brought over were few, and foreigners; nor did the Highlanders come in to him, as he expected; insomuch as he was soon defeated, and shortly after taken, and (with more spiteful usage than revenge required) executed by the Covenanters of Edinburgh, May the 2nd.
B. What good could the King expect from joining with these men, who during the treaty discovered so much malice to him in one of his best servants?
A. No doubt (their churchmen being then prevalent) they would have done as much to this King as the English Parliament had done to his father, if they could have gotten by it that which they foolishly aspired to, the government of the nation. Do not believe that the Independents were worse than the Presbyterians: both the one and the other were resolved to destroy whatsoever should stand in the way to their ambition. But necessity made the King pass over both this and many other indignities from them, rather than suffer the pursuit of his right in England to cool, and be little better than extinguished.
B. Indeed I believe, a kingdom, if suffered to become an old debt, will hardly ever be recovered. Besides, the King was sure, wheresoever the victory lighted, he could lose nothing in the war but enemies.