engagement; but it was because those acts were made to the prejudice of their party; but recalled nothing of their own rebellious ordinances, nor did anything in order to the good of the present King; but on the contrary, they declared by a vote: that the late King began the war against his two Houses.
B. The two Houses considered as two persons, were they not two of the King’s subjects? If a king raise an army against his subject, is it lawful for that subject to resist with force, when (as in this case) he might have had peace upon his submission?
A. They knew they had acted vilely and sottishly; but because they had always pretended to greater than ordinary wisdom and godliness, they were loath to confess it. The Presbyterians now saw their time to make a Confession of their Faith, and presented it to the House of Commons;[1] which the Commons, to show they had not changed their principles (after six readings in the House) voted to be printed, and once a year to be read publicly in every church.
B. I say again, this re-establishing of the Long Parliament was no good service to the King.
A. Have a little patience. They were re-established with two conditions, one: to determine their sitting before the end of March, another: to send out writs before their rising for new elections.
B. That qualifies.
A. That brought in the King: for few of this Long Parliament (the country having felt the smart of their former service) could get themselves chosen again. This New Parliament began to sit April the 25th 1660. How soon these called in the King; with what joy and triumph he was received; how earnestly his Majesty pressed the Parliament for the act of oblivion, and how few were excepted out of it; you know as well as I.
B. But I have not yet observed in the Presbyterians any
- ↑ … House of Commons, to show … principles; which, after … House, was voted to be, &c.