Page:Behind the scenes, or, Thirty years a slave and four years in the White House.djvu/356

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Lizzie, but I rely a great deal on your indulgence. My fear is that you will not be able to decipher the scrawl written so hastily.

"I remain, truly yours,

"Mary Lincoln."

"Chicago, Nov. 17.

"My dear Lizzie:—By the time you receive this note, you will doubtless find the papers raving over the large income which we are each said to have. Knowing exactly the amount we each will have, which I have already informed you, I was going to say, I have been shocked at the fabulous sum set down to each, but I have learned not to be surprised at anything. Of course it is gotten up to defeat success. You will now see the necessity for those circulars being issued weeks since. I enclose you a scrap from yesterday's Times of C., marked No. 1; also No.2, to-day's Times. The sum of $11,000 has been subtracted in twenty-four hours from the same