Page:Behind the veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia - Hume.djvu/33

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Persian Conveyances
Persian Conveyances

Persian Conveyances

The takhtiravan is a slow but comfortable conveyance for travelling in. It is a species of sedan-chair, slung on two long poles; to these shafts mules are harnessed, one in front and the other behind. The Kajâvahs are a much less luxurious mode of travelling. They consist of two cage-like boxes slung one on each side of the mule. If the animal is sure-footed and the balance of the boxes maintained, the sensation of riding in them is not unpleasant.

A Halt for Lunch
A Halt for Lunch

A Halt for Lunch

The midday break in the day's march is always welcome and refreshing, especially when it is possible to rest in the luxury of shade