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E »44 3 conducted by Indians and it continued long to be the only such paper. In 1879 Eabu Narendranath became its sole proprietor and it has ever since been owned and edited by him. He has conduct- ed and managed it at great sacrifices to himself. His reward has been an incalculable amount of good to the country and the uni- versal honour'in which he is held throughout the country by men of all ranks and communities. It may be safely asserted that there is no man in the whole country who is held in greater esteem than Narendranath Sen for honesty of purpose, (or just and moderate views on public questions and for deep patriotism and strenuous labour in the service of the country. Successive Viceroys and Lieutenant- Governors, not to speak of Englishmen of lower ranks, have shown him deep respect and confidence, even those whose public measures he has criticised in his paper with great severity. As a member of the Bengal Legislative Council, as a Municipal Commis- sioner, as a Congress man and as the President of innumerable associations for promoting the good of the country, his services to his nation have scarcely been less immense than those he baa rendered to it as a journalist. He has ever been a man of profound piety and of the greatest breadth of views in religious matters. Himself a devout Hindu of reformed views, he has freely frater- nised with the followers of other religions and valued the good things in them. He is an ardent Theosophist and has been the President of the Bengal Section of the Theosopbical Society ever since its foundation. May Mr. Sen yet live and work long in the service of his country and enjoy its undivided love and reverence I