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[ *7« 3 and as a worker in the field of temperance, purity, and the religious, social, and political progress of the country, that he is mostly known, and has done the greatest good to his countrymen, In the proceedings of the National Congress, and in all movements for promoting the public good, he has been a most earnest and indefatigable worker. In conjunction with the late Babti Jaygo- vindh Som, he, for several years, conducted a weekly journal named The Indian Christian Herald. He also founded " The Christa Samaj," a Christian Society on a broad basis and independe nt of the all sects of European Christianity. But Mr, Banarji's sympathies have never been confined to his own denomination. He freely fraternises with people of all shades of belief and is always ready to co-operate with all on the broad unsectarian basis of common citizenship. This wide spirit of toleration and the earnest ^patriotism that characterises Mr. Banarji, have made htm the •universal favourite that he is to his countrymen of the most various shades of opinion. Students as a class have been objects of his constant care, and their love and respect for him is most sincere and profound. Mr. Banarji has lately filled the office of the Registrar of the Calcutta University with great ability for several years. But recently his health has greatly failed, and public move- ments and platforms have long sadly missed his laborious hand and his powerful, sonorous voice. May Mr. Banarji yet be long spared to us and continue as a guide to his countrymen in virtue of his pure, devout and unselfish life !