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216 3 Narendra became the most lavourite disciple of the Pararnhansa and the latter built high hopes on his powers. ShorUy alter his master’s death, Narendra became a monk and assumed the name by he is known. After some travel in the country, he was sent in 1893 by the Raja of Ramnad to the Chicago l’arliament of Religions as a representative üí Hinduism. He made a great irnby his utterances on the assembled representatives of varimis religions, and his popularitY dates From this stage of his career. In 1896 lie went to England and lectured there for some line on V edan tisni. I—Ic refli med to I nclia next year and was reei ed with great C( >rd lality and en ib usia.s in by the citizens of I ad ras, ( alc utta and other places. He then made a tour through the nI iii iv awl discoursed iii several places on religious subjects. In iS99 lie again visited England and the United States of A merica. At San Franc i SU() he I( ai ndcd the Tudanta Society which his col legucs has since k cj,t ii p and vh ich has done so much to spread V tdantisni in A iii erica. In t oô he returned to India with a q brokei i heal iii. 11e sulfured horn d iaI)etes which has cut short ii e raree I ni n any a oril Ban t Bengali. It is also said that his I’Oç”t j)flh(tiI s (1 iurihuted not a litUe to undermining his health. II tli I ii I 1)02 fl t his C( *11 UIIt at I el ii r near Calcutta, mourned by I lie whole ‘tintry and I v hundreds 1)1 admirers in the ‘est.Swain1 ‘ivukanaiida’S t(acInngs on I’hilosophy and Religion are iitiiwcl in stvural voltiius of his lectures edited by his colleagues tI1(l piIIishud in Madras and Calcutta.