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He always passed a quiet life; there were few important events in his life; but of those incidents which come to all and can be prevented by none, he had too large a number. His strong belief in God sustained him in his many bereavements. He cheered his wife, when the latter was mourning for her departed son, saying, "Mourn not, our child is in heaven." At another time, when the corpse of another of his sons was in his house, he freely conversed with his friends and was apparently unmoved. Indeed, by his blameless life he did more to raise the respect of people, for the Brahmo Samaj, to which he belonged, than all its learned savants did by their speeches and writings.

He was very kind, sociable and accessible to all. He specially tried to inculcate goodness of character to his young friends, most of whom derived their inspiration from him.

For piety, good nature, kindness, gentleness and moral courage Ramtanu was an ideal man, and did much to improve the moral tone of the younger generation.