Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/104

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BENGAL VAISHNAVA LYEICS 89 witlj all things stationery or moving upon it, assumes a weird appearance covered with a light not belonging to earth or heaven, that captivates his whole being, both sensuous and spiritual, and gradually reveals in a concrete form the Presence of the Lord Him- self. To the Yaishnava this Presence is necessarilj’- that of Shree Krishna. To the Christian, when he attains this state, the experience is embodied not in the presence of Shree Krishna but of the Christ. To the Buddhist the same experience is revealed through the familiar form of the Lord Buddha. It will thus be seen that the psychology' of the Yaishuavic beatitude is nothing peculiar to Yaishnavism, but is the common psychology of the Ijeatific experiences of all religions. This experience is neither entirely subjective nor absolutely objective, but the subjective and the objective mingle together in it. The ulti- mate result following the ecstatic repetition or chanting of the name of the Lord is this beatific experience, which is marked by a supreme exultation of both mind and body. This exultation produces those psycho-phy^- cal transformations that go by the general name of satvikee vikara, (literally spiritual transformations) that are manifested <mi the