Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/24

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apart from the object of his knowledge. In the end the knower is completely identi- fied with his own object. This identification cancels all consciousness. But the Eternally Conscious Being cannot for a single moment exist in unconsciousness. Therefore, as soon as the unity of the subject and the object cancels consciousness, so soon again the subject separates himself from the object, and the movement of Reason starts again. In Vaishnavic terminology unity or identity between the Absolute and the particular is called pralaya or dissolution, which means the cancellation of all relations. But immediately this identity is realised, differ- entiation starts again. This process of self-differentiation is called sristi or creation. It is an eternal process. In the language of philosophy it is the outward movement. It is culminated in the return of the self to itself, to use a Hegelian expression. This is pralaya in our terminology. Sristi or creation or differentiation ends in pralaya or integration and sristi re-starts imme- diately, ending in pralaya again. This process of differentiation and integration or sristi and pralaya is called Leela or the Sport of the Lord.