Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/29

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from the less perfect to the more perfect. This world has, therefore, its true meaning and purpose not here but in the very Being of the Lord. The world is not mayik or illusory. It is not a dream or a nightmare. But it is real, eternally real, in the Being of the Lord. All the relations of the world are real, though progressively realising here, real in their pro- totype, in the Being of the Lord, as eternally realised relations. All our emotions have their root and realisation in the Being of the Lord; and while in a state of progressive realisation here below they exist as eternally realised there in the very Being of the Lord. The Lord or the Ultimate Reality is not an abstraction as He practically is in the Samkara-Vedanta thought, but what may be called the Concrete Universal. There in His own eternally realised Being the Lord is Him- self the Knower or Subject and that which He knows or the Object, the Enjoyer and that through which He realises His enjoyment, the Actor or Worker and that upon which He works His will. In His eternally realised Being He is Himself the Lord or Master and Himself His own Valet or Servitor, Himself the Father and He is Himself His own Son, He is Himself Friend and the object of His friend-