Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/60

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CHAPTER II. The Bengal Bhakti Cult. The Bhakti cult iu Bengal is one of the distinct features of the geniiis and character of the Bengalee people. Bhakti means love of God. It is a ver3’^ old Hindu cult. In very ancient India, in what ma.y be called the Yedic Age, or more accurately the Sutra period of Yedic histor3', we had this cult, where it was called Shandilya-Vidya ; the well-known Shandilya-Sutras were the authori- tative scripture of this old Bhakti cult. In the Shandilya~Sutra, Bhakti is defined as supreme devotion (lit. attachment) to the Lord or Isvai'a. Isvara literally means He Who directs and provides. Isvara is the Universal Providence, the Ruler and Governor of the universe. The cultivation of devotion or attachment to Him calls for the contem- plation of the Lord as Providence. We receive everything from Him We have received our life, our bodily organs, our senses and their objects, our wealth and progeny — all things and persons that contribute to our happiness, from Him. The contemplation of these gifts of the liord is the central method