Page:Bengal Vaishnavism - Bipin Chandra Pal.djvu/65

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50 BENGAL VAI8HNAVISM their existence. It is impossible to conceive whether the eye existed before the evolution of the visual universe, or whether the visual universe existed before the evolution of the organ of vision. The one is absolutely dependent upon the other for its existence. This is true of all our other senses. This objective world and our senses, organised in and through our consciousness, form one organic whole. This is the logic of our sense-experience. And this logic drives us to the irresistible conclusion of the existence of Eternal and Universal Consciousness, whieh has held together this objective world on the one side, and our consciousness, with all our sense-organs, on the other, from eternity to eternity. This Universal Consciousness or Shree Bhagavan or Shree Krishna of the Bengal Yaishnava cult is, therefore, the root and realisation of all our sense-life and sense- activity. He is, as the Upanishads say, the Eye of our eye, the Ear of our ear, the Mind of our mind in our subjective life and expe- rience on the one side, as He is the soul and essence of all rupaniy all shavda, all sparsay all rasa and all gandha on the other. These five, shavda etc., though organised in our material organs of audition etc, are themselves