Page:Benjamin Franklin, Catalogue of Books.djvu/14

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BOOKS in Duodecimo.

370  Schickardi Conſilium quomodo Lingua Hebræa ſufficienter apprehendatur 24 horarum ſpatio.
371  Buxrortlil Thcihurus Grammaticus Lingua Hcbrxx.
372  (},Buci1at1&l1iP0¢t\1ata, 3 Partes. 373 T`·:rentius.
374  A_€0·i\`\1l•'}I1\§l0l1S Diftioncry offabulous
375  The Oxfor Grammar. $76 Coc;cr’s.¤.:·1t.;m.
377  glkclation of the Death of the primitive l’eri`ccumr:—, v Dr, (9, B.'lT71t‘f,
378  The Earl ofCa£llemain’s Manifeflo.v 379  Dr. Bray on the Church Catcchifru.
380  A Gentleman iu:`:ru€ted.
381  The x\vh0le Duty 0fMan.
382  Buxzorllii H·:l¤r:em Grammatices.
383  Mcrhodiea Izxitiautio Lingux Sanétx, per V. Byrhzrer.
384  Dr;·Harvcy‘s Family Phyiician.
385  julian the Apoftate.
386  Dr. I’azrick’s Advice to a Friernl.
387  Uxlieina propria omnium Sauftc rum.
388  Nov. Texhniemum Grxcum, purs pofterior. _
389  Daily Praftice of Devotion.
390  \*\·'or1d in Miniature. :. Val:.
391  john Guliiver’s Travels.
392  _Lemucl Gullivcr's Travels.
393  I,aw’s fcrious Call to a devout and holy Life.
394  ··-—·— Chriftiau Perfeétion. _
395  A Summary of Devotion, by Bp. Laud. .
396  VL’cb{rer‘s Arithmeriek. Filircr's dirto.
397  @arleAs`s Emblems. 39% The Pantheon.
399  A lbefcriptionof soo Animals, with 4 Supplemmr esp. mnmg nmrfy df imag more,; Mir,
400  Haw::ey's Me¤{`urcr.· 4-¤ r Henry on Prayer.
402  The Church Homilies, complcat.
403  {chefs Vindicnrion of Qaalacrs Baptifiu.
404  The Anglerfs Vadc mceum.
405  The Ar: ofCock-fighting difpl.ay’d. ,
406  Watts's Dii`cour{`v:s of the Love of 60.%.
407  -----·· on the Pailions. y
408  Ovid's Iviezamorphoiis, wizb Curr, 6_y Sem!. z Ml:.
409  Explanation ofDavid’s Pfalms.
410  Hale's Enquiry into the Nature 0fV£’itchcraf`t.
411  Strength and \Vc¤knefs of human Reefer:.